Packaging Solutions
Our company offers beverages in a variety of packaging formats – glass and plastic bottles, aluminium cans and refillable packaging. Each option can play a role in helping reduce packaging waste and emissions.
We are focusing efforts to use more recycled material in our primary packaging and supporting collection rates, both of which require enabling policies and the growth of collection infrastructure.
We aim to focus on measurable and interconnected actions under two pillars:

Our goal is to use 35% to 40% recycled material* in our primary packaging (plastic, glass and aluminum), including increasing recycled plastic use to 30% to 35% globally, by 2035.
Partner to Collect
Help ensure the collection of 70% to 75% of the equivalent number of bottles and cans introduced into the market annually by 2035.

Partnering with communities and industry
To clean up existing packaging, we’re bringing people together through programmes like beach and river clean-ups and other ongoing local activities. We are using our size, scale and convening power to make a difference, but this is not something we can do alone. It takes partnership. We are working with our peer companies, suppliers, partners, NGOs, and local governments to create solutions in the areas where the need is greatest, and we can make a significant impact.
PETCO is a great example – this model was initiated in South Africa in 2004 as an industry-led extended producer responsibility initiative for collection and recycling of PET bottles. it has since been established in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania with other markets in planning.
Other Key Sustainability Areas
We act in ways to create a more sustainable and better shared future. To make a difference in people’s lives, communities and our planet by doing business the right way.
We aim to help ensure the collection of 70% to 75% of the equivalent number of bottles and cans we introduce into the market annually by 2035.

Since 2015, the Coca-Cola system has returned more than 100% of the water used in our finished products globally, on an aggregate level, to nature and communities. Moving forward, we will also seek to return 100% of the total water used in each of our more than 200 high-risk locations* across the Coca-Cola system by 2036.
*The company will continue to comply with local regulations, including where higher percentages of recycled content are required.