Climate Change
Our approach to climate change is threefold: to reduce the impact our business has on the climate, manage risks and impacts climate change has on our business and partner with others to make an even greater contribution.
The biggest contributions to this reduction will come from improvements in the scale and efficiency of refrigeration equipment, the use of less carbon-intensive packaging and a shift in ingredients used.
We are committed to reducing our impact on climate change through mitigation initiatives and building climate resilience for our business, communities and value chain.

Other Key Sustainability Areas
We act in ways to create a more sustainable and better shared future. To make a difference in people’s lives, communities and our planet by doing business the right way.
We aim to help ensure the collection of 70% to 75% of the equivalent number of bottles and cans we introduce into the market annually by 2035.

Since 2015, the Coca-Cola system has returned more than 100% of the water used in our finished products globally, on an aggregate level, to nature and communities. Moving forward, we will also seek to return 100% of the total water used in each of our more than 200 high-risk locations* across the Coca-Cola system by 2036.